About Us
Who (or what) is Meshfrog?
We are a software company. We are a business dedicated to businesses, and helping them use technology to positive effect. We are both a service and a product company – believing that we are defined more by the quality and consistency of the value we provide, rather than exactly how we provide it. We let our clients and customers, and the user experiences they are hoping to create, dictate how we might help.

Experience and Expertise
Meshfrog is about creating and executing a vision for how technology and business processes work together to deliver results. The core concepts – the tools|insights|methodology – have value and impact across industries and verticals. We are proud of, and confident in, our ability to absorb and analyze the crux of how any business creates value, wins customers, and communicates its purpose – and the ways in which technology can, or cannot, have a significant impact. Take a look at the industries we have worked in and the verticals we have come to understand with both depth and breadth, and you will see how we are always growing our experience and expertise, while staying solidly within our core skill set.

Redefining The User Experience
We avoid the narrow traditional definitions of The User Experience. They tend to only see an individual as the “user”, and the use of a mouse, keyboard or monitor as the “experience”. We believe that The User Experience is much more useful concept when applied in its broadest sense, and we further believe that every User Experience can be evaluated on five key measures that determine how effective it is.

Employing Agile Processes
What do we mean by our tagline “Agile Software Solutions”? Quick. Lean. Iterative. Biased toward action. Learn more about how agile processes inform our culture and how we design and deliver our engagements.
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